Curiosity is a Common Trait of Successful People

Rich Habits
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“Millions saw the apple fall, but Newton was the only one who asked why?” Bernard M. Baruch

Curiosity was a common Rich Habit among the self-made millionaires in my study. The desire to learn, causes growth, and growth is a prerequisite for success, especially for Big Company Climbers, Virtuosos, and Dreamer-Entrepreneurs.

How do you make a habit out of being curious?

Here’s a little daily exercise I’d like you to engage in over the next 30 days that will help you to make Curiosity a daily habit:

  • Curiosity Fact Binder/Notebook – Get a loose leaf binder and put 30 pages in the binder. As an alternative, you can use a notebook.
  • At the start of every day, immediately upon waking up, I want you to come up with a list of questions on things you’d like to know the answer to. Write each separate question at the top of each one of the 30 sheets of paper.
  • Google the answer to your questions.
  • For the next 30 days, carry around a pocket-sized, little notebook. During your workday, write down any new questions that pop into your head. The interesting thing about this little project is that your subconscious will become supercharged, so to speak, and will start feeding you questions it would like an answer to.
  • The next morning transfer those new questions to your Curiosity Binder/Notebook and Google the answer to those questions.

By the end of the month, you’ll have learned thirty new things and documented that learning for eternity.

When I learned about this Curiosity Habit from the millionaires in my Study, I started my own Curiosity Fact Binder.

Today, that Fact Binder is six inches thick. Surprisingly, I find myself visiting my Fact Binder almost daily, not just to document new information, but also re-visit old information.

Oh, by the way – Bologna is actually Sausage. It’s most often made with pork and various spices. It may also be made with beef or a combination of beef and pork.

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  1. James Larkin on March 26, 2021 at 2:52 PM

    Actually Tom, I think I’m too curious.

    In college I got a Biology degree with a Chemistry minor then worked on an English degree with a History minor. Then started working on an Art History degree.

    Now I don’t work in any of those fields.

    Just got “Focus” by Daniel Goleman based upon your recommended book list. I’m looking to get better at focus and not letting my curiosity waste too much of my time.
