Grit & Growth

Rich Habits
My mission is to share my unique Rich Habits research in order to add value to your life and help you realize increased wealth, superior health, abundant success, fulfillment & happiness. If you find value in these articles, please share them with your inner circle and encourage them to Sign Up for my Rich Habits Daily Tips/Articles. No one succeeds on their own. Thank You!

If I were to boil success down to just two success traits they would be Grit and Growth.

Those with Grit never quit on their dreams and their goals. No number of obstacles, rejections or failures that life throws at them stops them from pursuing their dreams and goals. They simply go at it every day and never stop trying.

Grit is acquired by two means: habit and passion. Individuals raised from a young age in an environment in which they must fight for every scrap, develop the habit of grit. Those who develop this Grit Rich Habit, are raised from a young age in an environment that encourages them to pursue their passions in life. Grit is often joined at the hip with passion. Passion fuels Grit.

Those who are perpetually growing, seek to expand their knowledge and skills on a daily basis. A growth mindset is acquired by three means: habit, inborn curiosity and passion. Individuals raised at a young age in an environment that encourages daily learning, develop the Growth Rich Habit. Fortunately, for most of us, curiosity seems to be an innate human trait. We are, to some extent, innately curious. Curiosity seems to be hard wired into our humanity.

The common denominator for Grit and Growth is passion. No matter your circumstances in life or your genetic makeup, passion spurs you on to pursue your dreams and goals.

