Isn’t “Wow” the best word ever?
Every time I write an article for some media outlet or for my Rich Habits website, in the back of my mind I’m in search of a “Wow”.
Just recently, I wrote a piece for a very popular magazine and the editor shot me a “Wow” email on the piece. It made me very happy and that happiness carried over into the rest of my week.
When you are in search of “Wow” in everything you do, it elevates your game. It forces you to take your talent to the next level. And, on those rare occasions, when you get a “Wow”, it justifies all of your hard work.
When you are in search of “Wow”, it just makes you better at whatever it is that you do to make money.
Wow’s keep you going, growing and improving.
On the flip side, if you are Wowed by someone, let them know. Giving someone a “Wow” shout out will make them happy.