The Entrepreneur Poem

Rich Habits

There’s great risk in trying. You could fail. You could lose your life savings.

But, until you try, you will never know what you’re truly capable of. Greatness reveals itself through adversity – when you are tested, when your back is up against the wall, when survival is all that matters.

For those who have tried, on your deathbed, will you lay there regretting that you went for it and failed? Or, will you think, “At least I tried.”

I was afraid when I tried

So much on the line.

But I overcame my fright

And tried with all my might.

If I fail, I will know

That I gave it a go.

What is life, after all?

But taking a leap,

knowing you could fall.

When you’re old and near death

Closing in on your final breath,

you can look to the sky and say,

At Least I Tried.



  1. Nataliya on June 17, 2020 at 12:47 PM

    Great article for me today. Thank you

    • Kathleen on February 8, 2025 at 8:18 AM

      So helpful to read this!

  2. Glenn on February 10, 2025 at 9:52 AM

    Thanks Tom for another gem. I’ve been enjoying your books and articles for some time now. I was especially inspired after reading about your relationship with your grandfather. Thanks for sharing.
