The Self-Made Rich Are Action Addicts

Rich Habits

There are only a handful of self-made millionaires for every hundred people.

If you know any self-made millionaires take notice. They always seem to be in perpetual motion, coming and going from somewhere: seminars, speaking engagements, meetings, training, networking events, charity events, etc.

One other thing you’ll notice is that they’re usually not alone. They seem to always have people orbiting around them: members of their team, business associates, partners, advisors, fellow non-profit board members, etc.

Their motion is intentional. These self-made millionaires are perpetually in motion because they are pursuing various dreams, goals and priorities (AKA Values). Their focused actions are part of their life plan.

One of the trademarks of those who seem to be stuck in poverty or the middle-class is that they have no plan and no direction in life. When you lack direction, when you don’t have a plan, your default plan becomes inactivity.

Having a plan means pursuing your dreams and the goals behind each one of those dreams.

Find some time today to script out your ideal future life; a vision for your ideal, perfect life. Then, bullet point each one of the dreams that are embedded within your script. When you are done, sleep on it. Your old brain (your subconscious – limbic system and brain stem) will immediately go to work, while you sleep, trying to figure out a way to help you realize those dreams and goals.

Keep tweaking and reading your script every night, right before you go to sleep. Your old brain will start to communicate with your new brain (your conscious – neocortex) while you sleep. In time, your old brain will inform your new brain when it has stumbled upon something that will help you with your dreams and goals.

This communication comes to you in the form of intuition, or gut feelings.

Through intuition, your old brain will begin feeding your new brain with ideas, solutions and opportunities.

The more you focus on your ideal future life, the more ideas, solutions and opportunities you’ll be fed. These ideas and solutions are the actions your powerful subconscious instructs you to take in order to realize your dreams and achieve your goals. Action is embodied in the goals you will need to achieve in order to transform each one of your dreams into reality.

It’s time to get unstuck. Script your ideal future life today. This will enable you to tap the amazing powers of your subconscious mind. It will go to work, behind the scenes, to bring clarity to the action (goals) you must take in order to transform each one of your dreams into reality.

My mission is to share my unique Rich Habits research in order to add value to your life and help you realize increased wealth, superior health, abundant success, fulfillment & happiness. If you find value in these articles, please share them with your inner circle and encourage them to Sign Up for my Rich Habits Daily Tips/Articles. No one succeeds on their own. Thank You!

