88% of Self-Made Millionaires Said Luck Was a Major Factor in Creating Their Wealth. They Also Said Their Habits Created That Luck

Rich Habits

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Eighty-eight percent of self-made millionaires said good luck was a major factor in their success.

Ninety-seven percent said that they believed their good luck was directly correlated to their good habits. These same millionaires also said that any bad habits they had eventually caused them to experience bad luck in their lives.

In effect, bad habits had a way of washing out, or countering, the good luck they experienced. And because bad luck was so detrimental to their ability to succeed and become wealthy, self-made millionaires became obsessed with eliminating bad habits.

Imagine working your butt off, making enormous sacrifices and taking on significant risk, only to have all of your efforts wasted simply because you had a few bad habits?

Bad habits do that. They eventually create bad luck and that bad luck wipes out all the good you’ve done.

The good news, at least from my Rich Habits research into habits is concerned, is that certain types of good habits automatically eliminate contradictory bad habits. These powerful good habits are known as Keystone Habits.

In my much expanded book, Rich Habits, 2nd Edition (release date January 1, 2025), I share thirty Keystone Habits that virtually guarantee success and wealth creation. These thirty Keystone Habits eliminate the need to worry about bad habits because they simply make those bad habits disappear.

As an example, one of the Keystone Habits is daily exercise – both aerobic (jogging) and anaerobic (lifting weights).

Daily exercise, when it becomes a habit, will seek out and destroy any Contradictory Habits that get in its way, such as smoking cigarettes, eating too much, eating fast food, drinking in excess or taking drugs,

It takes about three months for daily exercise to become a “habit”. But, after it does become a habit, your brain will nag you every day in an effort to stop you from engaging in any bad habits that get in the way of your exercise habit.

Interestingly, the new exercise Keystone Habit will automatically cause you to adopt Complimentary Habits, such as eating nutritious food or engaging in intermittent fasting.

Habits are simply fascinating.

Tom Corley is an accountant, financial planner and author of “Rich Kids: How to Raise Our Children to Be Happy and Successful in Life”, Effort-Less Wealth, Change Your Habits Change Your Life, Rich Habits Poor Habits and “Rich Habits: The Daily Success Habits of Wealthy Individuals.”

