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Free Will exists to help us learn, grow, improve and ultimately evolve into better versions of ourselves.
Free Will allows us to choose between what we should be doing or what we shouldn’t be doing.
What we should be doing is taking actions and making decisions that help us become better human beings. Unfortunately, these actions and decisions take a long time before we see any benefits. This Delayed Gratification is too hard for most people.
Most of us do not do what we “Should” be doing. Most of us avoid the investment, Delayed Gratification requires.
When we deviate from the “Should” to the “Can”, we shift from a Delayed Gratification Life Strategy to Instant Gratification Life Strategy.
Delayed Gratification prioritizes long-term needs and wants over short-term needs and wants.
Instant Gratification prioritizes short-term needs and wants over long-term needs and wants.
When you choose Instant Gratification over Delayed Gratification, life will ALWAYS punch you in the face, eventually.
And those punches to the face hurt. They hurt real bad.
But, Free Will exists because the Universe knows that those face punches also teach. They teach us what doesn’t work. They teach us what not to do. And because those face punches hurt so much, they create powerful long-term emotional memories – memories that forge scar tissue in the brain, never to be forgotten.
If you want to avoid pain in life, repeat this mantra when faced with important decisions or when faced with the temptation to satisfy an immediate need or want:
Just because I can doesn’t mean I should.
Tom Corley is an accountant, financial planner and author of “Rich Kids: How to Raise Our Children to Be Happy and Successful in Life”, Effort-Less Wealth, Change Your Habits Change Your Life, Rich Habits Poor Habits and “Rich Habits: The Daily Success Habits of Wealthy Individuals.”