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Parkinson’s Law states that a task delayed will swell in perceived importance and complexity, the longer you Procrastinate.
You know this is true. You know it because you’ve experienced it.
You delay on a task. That delay causes your brain to nag you, almost daily. At some point, you either can’t handle the internal nagging or the deadline for completing the task becomes imminent. So, you dive in and complete the task. After completion, you marvel at how much simpler the task was and wonder why you procrastinated at all.
Everyone Procrastinates. But, there is one strategy that when forged into a habit, will eliminate almost all of your Procrastination, without having to rely on Deadlines.
The #1 way to overcome Procrastination is to Baby Step your way into something you’ve been procrastinating on. The Baby Step needs to be a mere 15 minute commitment. That 15 minutes will be perceived by the brain as a nothing burger and your brain will absolutely not fight you on it.
The magic of the Baby Step Strategy is that it works, almost 100% of the time. After fifteen minutes you’ll get into the flow and wind up completing the entire task. Even better, if you get pulled away from the task after that 15 minutes, you will have banked something called “Perceived Momentum”. That Perceived Momentum will act as a simulant to get back to the task ASAP and complete it.
Tom Corley is an accountant, financial planner and author of “Rich Kids: How to Raise Our Children to Be Happy and Successful in Life”, Effort-Less Wealth, Change Your Habits Change Your Life, Rich Habits Poor Habits and “Rich Habits: The Daily Success Habits of Wealthy Individuals.”