Abundance Creating Habits

Rich Habits

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Your daily thoughts and your daily habits create a life of abundance or one of scarcity. Most people are raised in either Poverty or the Middle-Class, where money is scarce.

The self-made millionaires in my Rich Habits Study were able to escape this scarcity trap and create enormous abundance.

How did they do it? How did they shift from a life of scarcity to a life filled with abundance?

Abundance Thinking & Habits

  • Self-made millionaires adopt a Positive Mental Outlook – They maintain an upbeat, optimistic attitude about life and their future.
  • Self-made millionaires adopt an Attitude of Gratitude – They express Gratitude every day for the things they have and things that go right in their life. Gratitude is a magnet that attracts Prosperity and Abundance.
  • Self-made millionaires read or listen to uplifting, inspirational books, blogs, and podcasts.
  • Self-made millionaires pursue dreams or big goals, which force them to stretch and grow into the individuals they need to become in order to realize success and the abundance success produces. The pursuit of dreams/goals forces you into perpetual growth mode.
  • Self-made millionaires surround themselves with other upbeat, optimistic, abundance-minded individuals and limit their interaction with negative, toxic, scarcity-minded individuals.
  • Self-made millionaires make the pursuit of dreams and goals their top daily priorities.
  • Self-made millionaires use upbeat, positive language and cancel negative thoughts that come into their heads. Many use mantras to help cancel negative thoughts.
  • Self-made millionaires listen to uplifting, inspirational music,
  • Self-made millionaires make important decisions after a good night’s sleep. Sleep re-sets your Emotional Baseline back to its normal setting.
  • Self-made millionaires exercise daily – aerobic and anaerobic exercise re-sets your Emotional Baseline back to its normal setting.
  • Self-made millionaires eat healthy, nutritious food.
  • Self-made millionaires watch uplifting, inspirational movies or videos.
  • Self-made millionaires do good – many volunteer at a local, community-based nonprofit doing good for those in their community.
  • Self-made millionaires laugh, sing and express love to those they care deeply for.
  • Self-made millionaires help lift those around them who are struggling.
  • Self-made millionaire mentor others to become successful.
  • Self-made millionaires have a very clear vision of the future, ideal person they desire to be.
  • Self-made millionaires have a very clear vision of what their ideal, future life will be.
  • Self-made millionaires study to learn 30 minutes or more every day – this boosts their confidence. Confident people attract abundance.
  • Self-made millionaires practice some marketable skill they possess, 2-4 hours every day. This boosts their confidence. Confident people attract abundance.
  • Self-made millionaires write out a Dream-Script of exactly what their ideal, future life will be in 10, 15 or 20 years.
  • Self-made millionaires maintain a Victory Log, listing all of their successes and achievements. This log keeps them focused on success, which attracts abundance.
  • Self-made millionaires maintain a Goal Achievement Log, listing all of the goals they pursued and achieved. This log keeps them focused on success, which attracts abundance.

Tom Corley is an accountant, financial planner and author of “Rich Kids: How to Raise Our Children to Be Happy and Successful in Life”, Effort-Less Wealth, Change Your Habits Change Your Life, Rich Habits Poor Habits and “Rich Habits: The Daily Success Habits of Wealthy Individuals.”

