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In my Rich Habits Study, 87 of the 177 Self-Made Millionaires were Saver-Investors. Saver-Investors build their wealth by consistently saving and investing 20% or more of their net pay each pay period.
As you may recall, there were 4 types of Self-Made Millionaires in my Rich Habits Study:
- Saver-Investor Millionaires
- Big Company Climber Millionaires
- Virtuoso Millionaires and
- Dreamer-Entrepreneur Millionaires
I also found in my Study that 63 of the 177 Self-Made Millionaires had a spouse who worked full-time. Of that 63, 56 were Saver-Investor Self-Made Millionaires.
What does this all mean?
It means that the Saver-Investor Self-Made Millionaires relied on their spouse’s income in building their wealth. Without their spouse’s full-time job, they would not have been able to become wealthy, as Saver-Investors.
It also means that the Big Company Climbers, Virtuosos and Dreamer-Entrepreneur Self-Made Millionaires built their wealth with little, to no help, from a second household income.
So, bottom line is this – If you have a spouse who does not have a full-time job or earns very little from working, the only wealth paths you should be pursuing, if you want to become wealthy, are the Big Company Climber Path, the Virtuoso Path or the Dreamer-Entrepreneur Path.
Tom Corley is an accountant, financial planner and author of “Rich Kids: How to Raise Our Children to Be Happy and Successful in Life”, Effort-Less Wealth, Change Your Habits Change Your Life, Rich Habits Poor Habits and “Rich Habits: The Daily Success Habits of Wealthy Individuals.”