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I receive a lot of emails/comments every week from those who read my research and books. Many of the comments are very positive and uplifting. But, some are depressing and drag me down. One of the repeat depressing emails/comments I receive goes something like this:
“My life sucks. It’s a mess. I make very little money and have more debt than I can pay off. I want to be rich and successful but I just don’t know what to do and I have no motivation. I feel hopeless. I desperately need you help. Please tell me what I should do?”
How do you motivate someone who feels hopeless and unmotivated?
Motivation isn’t the problem. A lack of motivation is the symptom. The real cause of a lack of motivation is not having any big dreams or big goals. When you lack big dreams or big goals, it’s impossible to motivate yourself,
So, you need to create big dreams and big goals.
How do you do that?
By a process I call Dream-Setting.
How does it work?
When you Dream-Set, you are basically writing a letter to yourself, only it’s a letter you’re writing ten, fifteen or twenty years from your future.
In this Future Letter, list all of the amazing things about your life that exists in the future:
- Describe what do you do for a living.
- How much money do you make?
- How much wealth have you accumulated?
- Describe your incredible family life.
- Where do you and your family live?
- Describe the amazing house you live in.
- What exotic places have you traveled to?
- What car/cars do you drive?
- Do you own a boat or a private plane?
- Describe your accomplishments and successes that you have had that helped create this amazing future lie.
When you Dream-Set you are essentially painting a picture with words of your ideal, future life. What you’ll notice in your Dream-Setting Future Letter is this – embedded within it are big dreams, big goals and big accomplishments.
Read your Future Letter before you go to sleep and immediately upon waking up in the morning. Keep reading it. Eventually, your subconscious brain will begin to go to work, behind the scenes, and start nudging you to take this or that action.
The subconscious knows the answer to creating the life your desire. But it needs to be told exactly what that life is. You have to give your subconscious something to focus on. The Dream-Setting Future Letter is that thing.
When you have big dreams and big goals, the supply of motivation becomes abundant. Big dreams and big goals trigger passion. Passion is the antidote to a lack of motivation. When you are passionate, you automatically become highly motivated.
Tom Corley is an accountant, financial planner and author of “Rich Kids: How to Raise Our Children to Be Happy and Successful in Life”, Effort-Less Wealth, Change Your Habits Change Your Life, Rich Habits Poor Habits and “Rich Habits: The Daily Success Habits of Wealthy Individuals.”