Pursuing your own dream is, according to my Rich Habits research, the fastest way to accumulate wealth. It also creates the greatest amount of wealth.
But you need to develop Dream Habits in order for any Dream to become reality.
Dream Habits are specific habits you create around your Dream. They make success possible because they put you on autopilot for success. Dream Habits process success.
Dream Habits are specific repetitive actions you take every day that are directly related to your dream. Their purpose is to help you increase your knowledge, develop or improve your skills and help move you forward every day towards the achievement of the goals behind your dream.
Overview of Dream Habits:
- Dream Reading – This is reading you do every day that gives you the critical knowledge you need in order to make you more expert in whatever industry or field your dream falls into. The typical self-made millionaire dreamer in my study devoted at least 30 minutes every day towards Dream Reading.
- Dream Practice – Every dream requires that you become an expert technician. When you pursue a dream it forces you to develop specific skills that are related to the dream you are pursuing. Those skills need to be practiced every day in order for you to develop and perfect them. Every dreamer is an expert technical in whatever industry or field their dream falls into.
- Building Dream Relationships – No one succeeds on their own. We all need apostles, individuals who buy into and participate in the realization of our dream. Finding those Dream Relationships is hard work. It requires that you become expert in building relationships with like-minded, success-oriented people. Finding the right individuals and building relationships with them needs to become a daily habit.
- Dream Promotion – You must promote your dream every day. The objective is to create enough buzz around your dream so that others will know about it. Eventually, your habitual promotional efforts will pull others into your orbit. These individuals will be the ones who not only buy whatever it is you are selling, they will also be the ones who promote it to others.
Posted in Goals & Dreams