Every Successful Person Has Some Process They Follow Every Day

Rich Habits
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Success is not a single event. Success is a process. That process makes success possible.

While dreams, and the goals behind the dreams, are important, even more important is creating a process that will lead to the achievement of your goals and realization of your dreams.

All self-made millionaires create some process that transforms dreams and goals into reality. Without a process, dreams and goals are unreachable.

A process is something you follow or do, every day, that improves the skills and knowledge required in order to achieve a goal and realize a dream.

A process = daily, systematic action that helps you grow, making you better at what you do.

When you focus on the process, the achievement of your goals and realization of your dreams become automatic.

That is why habits are so important.

Habits Automate the Process.

You process success when you forge habits that lead to success and eliminate habits that drag you down.

