Get Healthy – Your Success Depends on it

Rich Habits
My mission is to share my unique Rich Habits research in order to add value to your life and help you realize increased wealth, superior health, abundant success, fulfillment & happiness. If you find value in these articles, please share them with your inner circle and encourage them to Sign Up for my Rich Habits Daily Tips/Articles. No one succeeds on their own. Thank You!

I’ve written extensively about the Rich Habit of eating less and eating healthy because I discovered in my Rich Habits Study, that’s what rich people do. Rich people exercise almost every day, moderate how much they eat almost every day and eat healthy, almost every day. 

With respect to eating less, the sweet spot for men is somewhere between 1,900 calories to 2,200 calories a day. For women, it is somewhere between 1,600 to 1,900 calories per day.

Since I completed my study, I’ve been on a sort of quest to find out why eating less and eating right is so important to accumulating wealth. I thought I’d share some of that new research with you, since it will impact your ability to succeed in life.

CALERIE is a 2-year study on the health effects of reducing how much you eat each day.  In this study, 218 people were split into two groups. Group #1 ate what they pleased. Group #2 cut their calories by 12%. Group #2 saw a 10% reduction in overall body weight. Group #2 was able to maintain that weight loss for 2 years (the length of the study). Group #2 saw a 4% reduction in blood pressure, a 6% reduction in cholesterol and a 47% reduction in C-Reactive Protein, a protein that causes heart disease.

The conclusion of this study was that eating less reduced chronic disease and increased your life expectancy.

In another study done by Valter Longo, director of the University of Southern California’s Longevity Institute, he found that a 34% – 54% drop in daily calories reduced blood sugar and IGF-1, a growth hormone. Reduced levels of blood sugar are associated with reduced risk of Type II Diabetes. Reduced levels of IGF-1 extend the life of cells in our body. In this study, they also found that eating too much protein can dramatically increase the incidence of cancer by 400%.

The conclusion of this study was that eating less and eating right reduced chronic disease and increased your life expectancy.

The main take away here is to eat less and eat right. If you eat right and keep your calories down, you’ll live a longer, healthier life.

A longer, healthier life increases your odds of realizing your dreams and achieving your goals. It’s much harder to realize your dreams and achieve your goals if you’re chronically ill or dead.

Get healthy, your success depends on it.



  1. Stella Ayers on February 11, 2021 at 4:44 PM

    Thank you for the book, The Rich Habits. Reading it was thought provoking and challenging. I am going to start implementing the advice. I want to be healthy and get wealthy to serve the community. Thank you for articles.

  2. Doug Rushton on February 16, 2021 at 6:19 PM

    It’s much harder to realize your dreams and achieve your goals if you’re chronically ill or dead – a good mantra I need to apply more diligently

  3. Richard on March 2, 2021 at 8:38 AM

    I agree with the premise of this. It’s great info. I’d argue that your correlations require more research before you classify your conclusions as statistical causation. I’m not being critical but constructive. Please! Keep going on this research!

    My hang ups. Eating less is vague. Eating right again is vague. Both are important but need to be quantified. Eating too much protein is again vague. There’s a daily recommended range of grams per pound of body weight. Saying the sweet spot for men is between 1900 and 2200 Is true but also depends on your weight, age, activity, BMR, and your goals.

    My health journey was actually what pushed me into my success journey. Nutrition is a very tricky topic as there is a significant amount of lying and mis-truth. I would argue that there is a strong correlation between building good habits and building better health. It’s been a snowball effect of research, trial, error, and adopting habits and beliefs.
