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In a joint Study by Penn State and Duke University, Damon Jones and his research team studied the importance of social skills and etiquette in 800 children from Kindergarten until they reached their mid-twenties. At the conclusion of this long-term Study, the researchers concluded that children with good etiquette and good social skills:
- Were more likely to graduate college
- Were more likely to secure and maintain good full-time jobs
- Worked well in teams
- Were more willing to share
- Were more willing to help one another and
- Were more likely to be successful financially
Tom Corley is an accountant, financial planner and author of “Rich Kids: How to Raise Our Children to Be Happy and Successful in Life”, Effort-Less Wealth, Change Your Habits Change Your Life, Rich Habits Poor Habits and “Rich Habits: The Daily Success Habits of Wealthy Individuals.”
Great and concise article. I worked with a lot of people especially young, that lacks these simple etiquette skills and definitely is hard to be surrounded by people like these. So sad. But I think it reflects parents teaching.