One of the questions I get asked a lot from the media is this:
How long does it take before the Rich Habits begin to produce results?
According to my research, some Rich Habits start to pay dividends immediately and others take many years.
If you adopt the Dreamer-Entrepreneur Rich Habits, it will take you an average of twelve years to become wealthy.
If you adopt the Saver-Investor Rich Habits, saving at least 20% of your annual income a year and then prudently investing those savings, this will take about thirty-two years.
If you adopt the Virtuoso (Experts in their Industry) Rich Habits it will take you an average of twenty-one years to become wealthy.
If you adopt the Big Company Climber Rich Habits, it will take you about twenty years to become wealthy.
Habit change is not an immediate gratification thing. It takes time for good habits to begin to pay dividends. It all depends on the type of Path to Wealth, you choose and the Rich Habits you adopt for that specific path.
Tom Corley is an accountant, financial planner and author of “Rich Kids: How to Raise Our Children to Be Happy and Successful in Life”, “Effort-Less Wealth”, “Change Your Habits Change Your Life”, “Rich Habits Poor Habits” and “Rich Habits: The Daily Success Habits of Wealthy Individuals.”