President Abraham Lincoln, on January 1,1863, issued his famous executive order known as The Emancipation Proclamation, which declared that all slaves were free. The Emancipation Proclamation was a mission statement, a decree, a manifesto centered around one singular idea – Freedom from Slavery.
At the heart of every dreamer is the desire to be free. Freedom from being an employee. Freedom from financial worries. Freedom from mind-numbing work that does little to inspire. And freedom from being controlled by others.
Your Emancipation Proclamation is, in one sentence, a declaration of how you will gain your freedom.
For me, my Emancipation Proclamation is to become JC Jobs, the main character in my books: Rich Habits, Rich Kids and Effort-Less Wealth.
JC’s singular purpose in life was to be free from poverty. He found that freedom in his discovery of the Rich Habits – habits that teach people how to rise from poverty or the middle class and realize success. Above my desk, tacked to my wall, is my Emancipation Declaration.
It reads: To Become JC Jobs – The Future Version of Myself.
That’s my Emancipation Proclamation. That’s my path to freedom.
That one declarative statement is why I continue to get up at 4:30am every morning and spend 3 hours writing, researching, learning, preaching about the Rich Habits and exercising daily.
Realizing any dream is hard. It can be a very discouraging journey. On days when I feel most discouraged, I look up from my desk and read my Emancipation Proclamation. I then look back down at my desk and continue working.
My Emancipation Proclamation reminds me why I’m doing what I’m doing.