Personality Traits of Saver-Investors

Rich Habits
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As many of you know, there are 4 Paths to wealth:

  1. Saver-Investor Path
  2. Big Company Climber Path
  3. Virtuoso Path (Experts/Pros)
  4. Dreamer-Entrepreneur Path

Your particular personality dictates which path is suitable for you.

Below are the Personality Traits of Individuals for whom the Saver-investor Path is the right path:

  • Risk Averse – Saver-Investors have a low risk tolerance. They are unwilling to take risks they deem to be too great.
  • Balance Work-Life – Saver-Investors are unwilling to work excessive work hours. They prefer a balanced approach to their lives. They desire to spend their free time with family and friends. They derive their happiness from people, not things. They stick with one, two or three employers their entire lives.
  • Disciplined – Saver-Investors have a financial plan that they follow and they stick to it. They are disciplined in saving and investing their money over many years. Many use budgets to help them stick to the savings and investment plan. They begin their savings and investment plan early in life, usually in their mid to late 20’s.
  • Frugal – Saver-Investors spend their money wisely. They seek the best product of service at the lowest price. They avoid Want Spending, Emotionally-Driven Spontaneous Spending, Supersizing Their Life, Peer Pressure Spending and Lifestyle Creep.
  • Modest Standard of Living – Their standard of living is modest, allowing them to save and invest 20% or more of their net income. Their homes, cars and vacation spending are modest. They are uninterested in accumulating things or buying expensive things. Things have little meaning or value to them. They place a higher value on their time than on things – they prefer to spend their non-work time with family and friends.
  • Debt Averse – Saver-Investors avoid accumulating debt. They pay off their mortgages early. They avoid using credit cards or accumulating any credit card debt. They buy high- quality used cars for cash or with the small car loans, which they pay off early.
  • Low Stress Tolerance – Saver-Investors are averse to stress. They seek out jobs that have a low degree of stress. They are happy being a cog in the wheel where they work, and, therefore, are not interested in seeking positions that carry with it burdensome responsibilities or additional stress. They are happy with doing their job and receiving a paycheck for the work they perform.

