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How do you create the life of your dreams?
Through a process I call, Dream-Setting.
What is Dream-Setting?
You Dream-Set by creating a 500 – 1,000 word script of the ideal, future life you desire. There are two parts to this Dream-Setting Script:
Part One – A very detailed description of your future life. This includes where you live, the home you live in, how much wealth you have, how much you make in income every year, what kind of car you drive, where you vacation, how much you weigh, how fit you are, marital status, etc.
Part Two – A very detailed description of how you were able to create this ideal, future life. What dreams did you realize? What major goals did you accomplish? What victories and successes did you achieve? How did you change into the person you needed to be in order to create this life – how did you grow? Take yourself through a journey in time from today to the future you – how did you get here?
Once you have your Dream-Setting Script complete, you then need to bullet point each dream that makes up your ideal, future life. Once you have your bullet points, the next step is to take just one of your dreams and build goals around that dream.
Each bulleted dream requires the accomplishment of multiple goals. Once you accomplish all of the goals behind a dream, then you realize that dream. Each dream is like a rung on a ladder. As you realize each dram, you climb that ladder.
You get to the top of that ladder when you realize all of the dreams that make up your ideal, future life. The top of your ladder represents the life of your dreams.
The Dream-Setting process will take you about twelve years to create the life of your dreams.
Tom Corley is an accountant, financial planner and author of “Rich Kids: How to Raise Our Children to Be Happy and Successful in Life”, Effort-Less Wealth, Change Your Habits Change Your Life, Rich Habits Poor Habits and “Rich Habits: The Daily Success Habits of Wealthy Individuals.”
I’ve been following something similar, “invented” by Jeff Levitan, actually he was taught and caught the same message as your Dream-setting, probably from Napoleon Hill. Jeff calls his process LLOP (Living Life on Purpose). I recently attended a livestream by Jeff, but it’s also on YouTube … do you know him? I’ve sharedUP your blogs from time to time on my own social media handles, and then encouraged friends to subscribe directly! Big fan of you Tom! Happy New Year 2024!
Tks Mujeeb. I don’t know Jeff, unfortunately. Tks for your kind words and all of your support. Hoping 2024 will be a great year for you
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