Doubt Forces You to Grow and Improve

Rich Habits

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Self-made millionaires swim in a sea of doubt.

In my interviews with these extraordinary individuals, I was surprised to learn that while they were on their journey towards success, they were filled with doubt.

What human being wouldn’t? Every day they faced challenges, had to navigate obstacles, made copious mistakes and generally felt like they were pushing a big ball up a hill. But they never quit because they believed in their mission. They believed they would ultimately succeed, despite swimming in a sea of doubt. How did they do it?

Self-made millionaires relentlessly seek to improve, to get better and to grow into the person they need to become in order for success to visit them. They are able to overcome their doubts by embracing certain success habits:

  • Daily Reading to Learn
  • Seeking Out Mentors
  • Daily Practice
  • Learning From Their Mistakes
  • Getting up Early and Putting in the Hours
  • Focusing on Improving Their Strengths
  • Finding Success-Minded Partners
  • Surrounding Themselves With Optimists
  • Avoiding Pessimists
  • Never Quitting on Their Dreams and Goals

Success is hard. It requires almost superhuman effort. You will be filled with doubts; doubts that shadow your every move. But doubt does not stand a chance when you are filled with passion and a clear vision of what you desire.

Tom Corley is an accountant, financial planner and author of “Rich Kids: How to Raise Our Children to Be Happy and Successful in Life”, Effort-Less Wealth, Change Your Habits Change Your Life, Rich Habits Poor Habits and “Rich Habits: The Daily Success Habits of Wealthy Individuals.”

