Here’s Why Exercise and Dieting Don’t Always Work in Helping You Lose Weight

Rich Habits
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For years we’ve been advised that the key to weight loss is to burn more calories than we consume. And many accepted this advice, put on their running shoes, or bike helmet or weight belt and went to town burning calories. But the latest science on obesity is turning this strategy on its head.

There are approximately 3-5 pounds of bacteria in our large intestine. This bacteria breaks down the food we eat and provides us (and the bacteria) with nutrients that keep us alive. Nutrients that are not needed at the moment are then stored as fat around different parts of the body.

Recent studies on obesity indicate that a combination of our western diet (high fat, high refined carbohydrates and low fiber) and the overuse of antibiotics is killing key species of bacteria that live in our large intestine. The death of this bacteria impairs our ability to extract nutrients from the food we eat and forces the body to store these unused nutrients as fat.

Your inability to lose weight is very likely the result of not having enough diverse species of bacteria living in your gut.

So what do you do?

There’s something called pre-biotics (not to be confused with pro-biotics) which, when ingested, can restore the natural balance of bacteria in your gut, making digestion more efficient, while reducing fat.

Pre-biotics include:

  • Artichokes
  • Beans
  • Root Vegetables (carrots, potatoes, onions, etc.)
  • Yogurt
  • Sauerkraut
  • Asparagus
  • Bananas
  • Garlic
  • Cabbage
  • Legumes (chick peas, lentils and green peas)
  • Bran
  • Leeks
  • Apples

Amazingly, consuming these pre-biotics can restore the lost bacteria within 24 hours and help you get back on track with your weight loss. Make it a daily habit to consume foods rich in these pre-biotics and you will find it much easier to burn calories and lose weight.



  1. Glen Pertzel on April 17, 2021 at 4:48 PM

    Great article thanks, Tom!!
