How to Create Apostles to Help Make Your Dream a Reality

Rich Habits
My mission is to share my unique Rich Habits research in order to add value to your life and help you realize increased wealth, superior health, abundant success, fulfillment & happiness. If you find value in these articles, please share them with your inner circle and encourage them to Sign Up for my Rich Habits Daily Tips/Articles. No one succeeds on their own. Thank You!

One of the many questions I asked during my Rich Habits Study was how rich people, before they were rich, were able to forge relationships with the Influencers who helped open doors for them.

I could write a book just on the information/strategies I uncovered from that one question – Hello Calls, Happy Birthday Calls, Life Event Calls, Networking, Volunteering, Mentoring Others, Strategies to Identify Influencers to Build Relationships With and Strategies to Identify Toxic People to avoid.

I literally have hundreds of pages on these relationship-building strategies that the wealthy used to create their team of power relationships. And they used those relationships like a howitzer while they blazed a path of success for themselves and their families.

But there’s one strategy that stood out which helped transform ordinary relationships into a devoted base of fanatical Apostles to their cause. I call it the 20 Minute Relationship-Building Strategy.

Here’s how it works.

The self-made millionaires in my study devoted 20 minutes or more each day to each Influencer they targeted for relationship-building. This 20 Minute Connector Strategy involves two steps:

Step #1 – Identify Opportunities

There are always opportunities to connect people. You just have to make yourself aware of those opportunities. And they are all around you. Here’s an example:

You learn that a new bar is going to open in your town. So, you ask yourself what does a bar need? It needs TVs, a sound system, build out (construction), someone to help with the books and taxes, maybe some legal work, workers compensation insurance, liability insurance, furniture, fixtures, computer systems, computer software, waiters, waitresses, bar tenders, etc.

Step #2 Make a Connection

We all know people who have specific skills. When an opportunity arises, self-made millionaires connect the Influencers they know, who have those skills, with people who need those skills. 

In the case of the bar opportunity, a self made millionaire would go through their contact database and ask themselves one question: Do I know anyone who has skills who can help the bar owner(s)? They would than compile a list of those skilled individuals and then reach out to the bar owner(s) and connect the owner(s) with those skilled individuals. This benefits both the bar owner and the skilled worker. If the two decide to do business together, you’ve just converted two individuals into Apostles. They now see you differently. They see you as someone who is interested in adding value to their lives.

When you spend 20 minutes a day connecting people like this, it will eventually become a daily success habit. Becoming a connector will transform ordinary relationships into Apostles who will want to help you because you helped them. It’s just human nature.

Those who help others succeed in life create Apostles who will one day reciprocate.



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