If You Want To Remember Something – Write It Down

Rich Habits
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Abraham Lincoln said that he never memorized a speech. Instead, he would re-write the speech down a minimum of three times. When he was done writing down the speech three times, he would then practice giving the speech several times and made sure to include certain gesticulations he wanted to use in his speech.

After this process, he said the speech was somehow committed to his memory.

A study conducted by researchers from John Hopkins University, found that writing something down significantly boosts retention and learning.

Why is that?

Here’s the science.

We actually have 4 Brains:

  • Neo Cortex – Outer Brain Layer
  • Limbic System – Mid Brain
  • Brain Stem – Lower Brain
  • Cerebellum – Lower Back Brain. Also Known As “The Mini Brain”

The Cerebellum has nerve fibers connecting many areas of the Neo Cortex, Limbic System and Brain Stem. The Cerebellum is directly involved in all brain motor functions. When you hear the term “Muscle Memory” what they mean is motor memory that is stored inside the Cerebellum.

When you write something down, that you want to remember, you are involving “The Mini Brain”, or the Cerebellum. Writing something down actually causes memory to be stored in not one, but two places: the Neo Cortex AND the Cerebellum.

Abraham Lincoln’s speech process was so effective in helping him “memorize” his speeches because his speech practice involved several motor activities (writing and gesticulating), which engaged his “Mini Brain”, the Cerebellum.



  1. Sam Shober on December 17, 2021 at 9:00 AM

    Great info, Thomas. I wonder if the result is the same if you type the information..? Thanks.

  2. Sam on December 17, 2021 at 9:32 AM

    That was my key to success ….found this pearl when I was about 20 reading think and gr0w rich…write it down as part of the definite purpose. :With a written promise you have a pray, with words, nothing but air.”

    Everything I have accomplished in life I have written down.

    Tom, google 212 Woodridge Court, Canonsburg, PA 15317. About to sign the contract.

  3. Mike A. on December 17, 2021 at 10:41 PM

    During my undergrad studies 23 years ago, I would rewrite the notes I took in class. Doing so allowed me to retain the info much better.
