The Successful Leaders in my Rich Habits Study worked an average of 11 hours longer per week than the average employee. Such leaders have what I like to call a Warrior Work Ethic – they work long, hard hours.
A typical Successful Leader will work 10-12 hours or more each day for many years. And often, it’s more.
And their work does not end when they leave their place of business.
After work hours, many Successful Leaders devote time to non-profit activities either within their community or at a more regional/national level. Some Successful Leaders are also on Boards or Committees of Industry Trade organizations, where they work with other Leaders within their Industry.
The work-week of Successful Leaders requires enormous sacrifices that often subordinate family and friends – meaning they must prioritize work over family/friends in order to become Successful.
The fruits of Success are admired and desired by many.
The costs/sacrifices, that pursuit requires, not so much.