Stuck and Unhappy

Rich Habits

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Most people are not successful because they are frozen by their thinking.

According to a well-known Brown University study on habits by Dr. Pressman, we forge most of our habits, including thinking habits, by the age of nine. Thinking habits include our beliefs, attitudes and prejudices. Since we are primarily under the care of our parents as children, our parents are the font of many of the thinking habits we forge during our childhood. And these thinking habits stay with us into our adulthood. 

It’s impossible to become rich and successful without growth. You need to grow into the individual you need to be in order for success to visit you. When you are frozen by your thinking, growth is impossible. Your mind is closed to new ideas, new thinking and contrary beliefs. In order to grow and succeed, you must be open-minded and embrace new information – you must shake off old thoughts, old beliefs, old attitudes and old prejudices in order to grow as an individuals.

Most don’t. And most are not successful.

Don’t be like most people. Be like the self-made millionaires in my study who embraced new thinking, new ideas and new beliefs. Do not allow yourself to be frozen by your thinking. It will prevent you from growing as an individual.

Tom Corley is an accountant, financial planner and author of “Rich Kids: How to Raise Our Children to Be Happy and Successful in Life”, “Effort-Less Wealth”, “Change Your Habits Change Your Life”, “Rich Habits Poor Habits” and “Rich Habits: The Daily Success Habits of Wealthy Individuals.”



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