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- Woke up at 5 am to start my work day – check
- One hour of technical reading today – check
- Three mile jog today – check
- Prepare To-Do List today – check
- Phone pitched five companies today on my business – check
- Two prospect meetings today – check
- Wrap up project today – check
- Returned all phone calls and emails today – check
- Lunch networking meeting – check
- Prepared for tonight’s speaking engagement – check
- Solved two intractable problems with customers today – check
- Rush to bank to make today’s deposits – check
- Speaking engagement done – check
- Home at 8pm
- Bed by 10 pm
Every day, those who pursue and achieve success juggle many things on a daily basis. And they diligently pursue success year after year, completely out of the spot light and oblivious to everyone except their employees and family.
Ultimately, when they do succeed, the only thing outsiders notice are the fruits of that success – profitable business, nice home, new car, big bank account, etc.
Self-made millionaires deserve every dollar of their success. They earn that success in the early morning hours, when most are still fast asleep.
They earn that success by surviving the daily stress pursuing success requires.
They earn that success by juggling ten things in a given day, any one of which could derail them from success.
They earn that success by relinquishing family/friend time for twelve-hour work days.
What outside observers do not see is the monumental effort it takes to achieve success. Like an iceberg, all of the effort behind success is below the surface, invisible to the naked eye.
Tom Corley is an accountant, financial planner and author of “Rich Kids: How to Raise Our Children to Be Happy and Successful in Life”, “Effort-Less Wealth”, “Change Your Habits Change Your Life”, “Rich Habits Poor Habits” and “Rich Habits: The Daily Success Habits of Wealthy Individuals.”