The Fickle Winds of Fate Are No Match for Those Who Simply Refuse To Quit On Their Dream

Rich Habits
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Becoming a successful entrepreneur is not easy. Most entrepreneurs put everything on the line. They take courageous risks in the pursuit of their dreams.

As an entrepreneur, you often feel as if you are sitting on a wall. On one side of the wall is success and on the other side of the wall is failure. The fickle winds of fate, can push you in either direction. Will that wind push you in the direction of success? Or will the wind push you in the direction of failure?

Success for an entrepreneur is often dependent on which way that wind blows.

Whenever you embark on an entrepreneurial journey, you will come face to face with a very stark reality – the feeling that your fate is in the hands of variables that are outside your control. And those variables, those outside forces, can at times be aligned with you or against you.

What makes successful entrepreneurs so heroic is how they react when the wind of fate blows the wrong way and they find themselves on the wrong side of the wall.

It happens to almost every entrepreneur. There are very few exceptions.

Heroic entrepreneurs, the ones who eventually succeed, somehow find the resilience to climb back onto that wall. They persevere. They survive. Those who are able to do this, over and over again, survive until the winds of fortune finally blow their way.



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