The Law of Momentum

Rich Habits

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2008 was a very productive year for me. My 2008 year of productivity began with one simple decision – to study for and take the Series 7 Securities exam. It’s not an easy test. You have to really study for it. And I did. For three months I studied on average about two hours every workday. And, in between, I took practice exams and studied my mistakes.

When I took and passed the Series 7 exam, I was pumped up. I was so pumped up that I made another fateful decision – to study for and take the Certified Financial Planner Exam. This was a ten hour test, taken over two days. Less than 50% pass on the first try. Over a six month period, I studied about two hours every workday plus ten hours on the weekends.

The CFP Exam was a hard exam. When I finished taking the test, I didn’t know if I passed – you have to wait about two months for the results. But, once again I was pumped up and in my pumped up state I made another fateful decision – to begin writing my first book, Rich Habits.

To this day I give thanks to that very productive 2008 Tom Corley.

The momentum, that began for me in 2008, has stayed with me to this day. Each time I finish a difficult project, I’m somehow compelled to start another difficult project.

I’ve written seven books since Rich Habits.

Momentum is a very powerful force of human nature.

When you decide to do something that is very hard and follow it through, it creates momentum. That momentum then stimulates you to take on another hard project, then another and another.

The key is taking that first step. After that, the Law of Momentum will do the rest.

Tom Corley is an accountant, financial planner and author of “Rich Kids: How to Raise Our Children to Be Happy and Successful in Life”, Effort-Less Wealth, Change Your Habits Change Your Life, Rich Habits Poor Habits and “Rich Habits: The Daily Success Habits of Wealthy Individuals.”

