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In my article titled, The War Against Freedom and the Pursuit of Wealth, I received quite a bit of negative feedback. Some subscribers even threatened to Unsubscribe from my articles.
I confess, the negative feedback bothered me greatly. My goal with my articles and books is to educate and inform.
After sleeping on all of the negative feedback, it dawned on me that this was actually a teachable moment.
Cognitive Dissonance has a number of subsidiary meanings but the one that applied to the article I had written is a type of Cognitive Dissonance known as Belief Disconfirmation. This is when content or information you consume contradicts or disconfirms existing beliefs and opinions you hold.
Confirmation Bias is seeking out content or information that only Confirms your Beliefs.
Clearly my article caused Cognitive Dissonance with many of my readers and those readers became angry.
Where is the teachable moment?
I’ve learned from my Rich Habits Study and my Rich Habits research that there is one common thread among the many self-made millionaires I interviewed and researched, particularly the Dreamer-Entrepreneurs, and it’s this – they maintained an Open Mind.
Being Open Minded means consuming content or listening to the opinions and ideas of everyone, even those that you may not agree with. Being Open Minded forces you outside your Comfort Zone, causes discontent and can even make you angry.
That’s good thing.
Cognitive Dissonance is a good thing.
You don’t have to agree with the content or opinions of others, but if you want to grow and evolve, you must put yourself into situations where you are habitually exposed to Cognitive Dissonance. You need to take your Ego and Emotions out of it. You need to keep an Open Mind about everything, particularly about things that challenge or outright contradict your beliefs and ideology.
Those who only seek out content that confirms their beliefs and knowledgebase, don’t allow themselves the opportunity for their beliefs and knowledgebase to be challenged.
And that is the definition of being Closed-Minded.
Being Closed-Minded is a Poor Habit. It is a Stop Sign that prevents you from growing and improving in life, which is a prerequisite for success and the wealth that is a byproduct of success.
You can only grow and evolve be being Open-Minded to the opinions and views of others, especially the opinions and views that are opposite your own.
Tom Corley is an accountant, financial planner and author of “Rich Kids: How to Raise Our Children to Be Happy and Successful in Life”, Effort-Less Wealth, Change Your Habits Change Your Life, Rich Habits Poor Habits and “Rich Habits: The Daily Success Habits of Wealthy Individuals.”
Keep up the great work Tom. As someone who gets a lot of positive and negative feedback, I know it is important to also receive comments from those in the positive camp. FYI – I did not believe in the birthday calls, but tried it out and picked up revenue as a result of your suggestion. Thank you and Happy Friday!
Tks for your kind words Paul
Hi Tom. I did read your War article. I agreed with parts of it and disagreed with other parts. But I’m certainly not going to ‘unsubscribe’ because our beliefs don’t perfectly align. I wouldn’t even ‘unsubscribe’ if I found your article to be offensive. From your articles, I take what I find useful and can relate to and leave the rest–either in my mental waste bin or as something to contemplate over time and, perhaps, reconsider. Unfortunately, in today’s day and age, it has become a crime to offend others. I have always believed that the right to offend others with your ideas is one of the great pillars of a free and democratic society. Over the years, I have found your articles to be of tremendous value. With respect to your comments in this article about Cognitive Dissonance, I hope that you will apply that to yourself and the feedback you received as much as you are suggesting yours readers do. Thanks for all the great work!
Tks Tushar
Hi Tom,
Keep on chuggin’ it was a great article you wrote the truth the ones that want to leave their choice and a poor one at that there will be more with you then the ones with narrow minded thinking!
What you said in that article was the truth! Don’t take any guff from the naysayers. I once heard a man who had been a member of a speech and debate team in high school say that every week they were given a topic to debate. Half of the team had to take one side, the other took the opposite view. After debating the point, the team then had to take the other side, and debate it again! Wasn’t too long and he figured out often his opinion got changed after he’d argued the other side. This attitude today in America of “I’m the one who is right, and you can’t say anything against it.” is nothing but a bunch of bullies swinging a big stick. We already went through that in 1776. “Yes, sir, Mr. George, Sir. No Sir, King sir. I’ll crawl back in my hole and just do whatever you say.” Thank God we had some Men with backbone and brains enough to stand up against him, giving us our Constitution and Bill of Rights. Which translates to Freedom. The very first one of which is Thought. Those who threaten to unsubscribe from you are the ones who need it the most.
Tks Wanda
Tom your writings and research are changing lives. Keep up the great work and content. I share your articles with friends and clients because we have a wide financial education gap between rich and poor. Your work is valued and a quality resource. Keep challenging us to think.
Tks Jay
Well said. Sounds like you experienced the wrath of the “cancel culture” where anything that goes against their beliefs should be eliminated. Having reached a point in my life where I can listen to any opinion and point of view without getting emotionally triggered, I have found that I have a much more peaceful mind… a more “Zen” state of mind. Thanks for all you do.
Tks Scott
I thought the article was spot on.
Tks Doug. Appreciate it
Mr Tom.
Your articles are a very valuable tool. Once a week my 16 and 18 year old niece and nephew come over to my house. I door dash them some food, we sit in the living room and I read them your articles and we have discussions about them. They thoroughly enjoy our weekly dialogue. Don’t let close minded negative people get to you. I know we’re human and what people say can get to us sometimes but know what there are more positive people in this world than negative (even if the negative people are louder.) Keep’em coming!
Tks Jorge
People ordinarily do not share opinions that run counter to accepted narratives, and typically this is out of cowardice rather than out of a desire to not offend or anger (though perhaps that is cowardice also). I just wanted to commend you for writing about the truth as you see it. I hope that the ‘negativity’ you have now experienced does not curtail your ability and willingness to do so in the future.
OMG, Really? Please stop posting your political opinions & get back to Rich Habits. If you are going to post this type of junk perhaps you should apply what you write to yourself. Your ideology is not not novel, just typical. We get it.
Please get back to substance and leave this political stuff to the talk shows. I have always enjoyed your content & will again if you can get back to form. The last thing this country needs is another political zealot. It needs LEADERSHIP [ Loyalty • Duty • Respect • Selfless service • Honor • Integrity • Personal courage.] not more Poli-Ticks (blood suckers) & Poli-Tricks (what the blood suckers pull over on the public).
My Antipathy for Marxism/Socialism is sometimes difficult for me to control